Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Be a Feminist Man and NOT a Misogynist Boy

How to Be a Feminist Man and NOT a Misogynist Boy From flikr, by John Oxton Natural selection and evolution is the clearest and best theory for the development of life and specifically humans. This can be seen greatly in the realm of sex and relationships. It touches everything from the origins of feminism, the phenomenon of violence by men against women, and the post-modern problem of disenfranchised emasculated men who blame society for their loss of masculinity. Thinking about these problems from the perspective of natural selection reveals the true origins of these behaviors. For example, women are the means by which humanity procreate. Without them, we would die off. It, in cold, unemotionally logical terms, makes sense to cultivate women as a resource and to fight over them for survival. Morally, it engendered an innate misogyny. It made men associate the amount of women and power over women with superiority and security, regardless of what the women themselves wanted as fellow human beings. Now, that system is gone, women are finally asserting themsel ves as able to do whatever they want to. Men in response overreact to this feminism by ostracizing them, demonizing them, and blaming them because it threatens their identity. It is a base reaction to a progressive solution. Men are still struggling with not being alpha males who need to protect women and kill for their food. The problem in our current patriarchy is that it was developed for survival. But in this current world, we don’t need it anymore! Survival has been rendered moot because of a variety of factors, from technology, morality, and increased civility. The struggle in men nowadays is between our innate aggression, developed over thousands of generations, and our desire to live by what is generally agreed upon to be a “good” life: freedom, equality, peace, love etc. The struggle between the animal in us and our, for lack of a better word, humanity is the core of specifically men’s psychological dilemma. Men need to realize and fight their violent urges. THAT is now the new male identity. Because it  doesnt  take a man to INDULGE in his fantasies, but it takes one to RESIST them.

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