Saturday, March 28, 2020

ZipRecruiter English Tutors - Find Teachers Fast

ZipRecruiter English Tutors - Find Teachers FastZipRecruiter English Tutoring is the most comprehensive platform available for finding and hiring an expert or professional in your area of study. You will be able to find a professional to teach your class or your entire college campus by using this simple search engine.The advantages of using ZipRecruiter English Tutoring are the following: the first thing you need to do is to type in your exact word or phrase in quotation marks, for example, 'zipRecruiter English Tutoring'ZipRecruiter English Tutors', to make sure that you search in the correct format. Then, you need to type in the specific search phrase, for example, 'English Teaching'English Tutoring'. A list of search results is displayed on the screen. This list is made up of related jobs, which have been listed by others.In order to find the best job with the best qualifications in your chosen area of study, you can find the job description through this feature. The search will have many categories, and you will only need to click on the category that you want to find jobs for. To do this, you have to type in the exact phrase, for example, 'English Teaching 'English Tutoring' or just 'Teaching 'English'.If you use the 'Advanced Search' option, you will get detailed information about the specific job by entering the precise keyword. In addition, you will be able to see all the available jobs according to area of study.As an employer, you will not have to waste time on searching for a tutor. Using ZipRecruiter English Tutoring, you will be able to find your preferred tutor. Besides, you will be able to hire qualified teachers in your school or college with ease.Most of the people use search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN to look for jobs. However, there are some situations where the search results would be rather limited, and you may want to know how to find a reliable and qualified teacher within minutes.With ZipRecruiter English Tutors, you can easily find a teacher without wasting any time on searching from different search engines. Using ZipRecruiter, you will get more time to work on your career and educate your students better.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Francis Eppes Statue to Remain Outside the Wescott Building

Francis Eppes Statue to Remain Outside the Wescott Building Vote No, Keep Francis Eppes With an overwhelming majority of 71.7%, Florida State Univsersity students voted to keep the statue and name of Francis Eppes outside of Eppes Hall. The man in question, Francis Eppes, was Thomas Jefferson’s grandson. Eppes was a commodity cotton crop owner with a deep interest in education. He spent most of his time serving as mayor, as a justice of the peace, or as Deputy at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, while his crop was maintained, according to his Wikipedia page, “by the use of extensive slave labor.” He is widely considered to be the founder of FSU because he founded State Seminary West of the Suwannee River in 1857, which went on to become Florida State. The ballot was a single question: “We, the students of Florida State University, do not believe in honoring slave owners and those that enforced slavery. Therefore, we demand President John Thrasher, and the FSU Board of Trustees, remove the Francis Eppes Monument in front of the Westcott Building and rename Eppes Hall to remove Francis Eppes’ name. Do you agree? Yes or No[.]” Despite the ruling, the Students for a Democratic Society vow not to give up the fight. Both the debate and forthcoming protests raise important questions about our relationship to and handling of history. The first of which is can we, the present, cleanse the past by denying its existence? This begs the next and equally important question, is this what the SDS is attempting to do? We, the present, may have one of two polar relationships to the past: we can attempt to  purge history of its moral flaws or we can idolize it. The best solution is middle ground: acknowledge the mistakes of the past without denying their existence or the good that coexisted with the bad. This sounds nice on paper, but is harder to apply in reality. What specifically constitutes as denial of the past and what must be done to take responsibility for them? The Francis Eppes   Monument controversy forces us to ask ourselves if we view slavery as an unforgivable sin. Additionally, each student must ask his or herself what role Florida State University plays in rectifying the past. Certainly, FSU owes its existence to Francis Eppes, regardless of his moral character. Does such debt require that we commemorate him somehow, or does the moral atrocity of his owning slaves supersede any monetary debt our institution owes him? These questions cannot be answered by a vote or a protest. These are the fundamental questions of past-present relationships that we must navigate each day as citizens of the United States. But still, the passion   of the voters on both sides of the issue demands satisfaction. What can be done to ease the tension of Eppes-gate? I propose a two-fold solution. In the first place, regardless of whether or not Eppes ultimately stays, he did found what has become a vibrant, diverse, and thriving university. Francis Eppes’ questionable morals afford this institution and its students an invaluable opportunity to discuss the seemingly contradictory actions of its founder. Therefore, I propose that we commission a plaque to be put somewhere in the vicinity of Eppes Hall and the statue of Francis Eppes discussing his controversial past, condemning his ownership of fellow humans, and acknowledging his contribution to Florida State. In the second place and for the purpose of easing tensions, I suggest we follow in the footsteps of The College of William and Mary, whose campus is adorned with many statues of founding fathers, old Virginian delegates, and other controversial, historical figures. At any given timeâ€"in good fun or in protestâ€"a passerby may see these statues decorated in Mardi Gras beads, party hats, school colors, clothes, or post-it notes. This venue for expression, humor, and protest has served a purpose at William and Mary and I see no reason why it would not serve the same need in Tallahassee. At present, the 71.7% majority stands and the statue remains. We might as well have some fun together, as fellow Seminoles, in spite of our disagreements about handling the past.

How to Be a Feminist Man and NOT a Misogynist Boy

How to Be a Feminist Man and NOT a Misogynist Boy From flikr, by John Oxton Natural selection and evolution is the clearest and best theory for the development of life and specifically humans. This can be seen greatly in the realm of sex and relationships. It touches everything from the origins of feminism, the phenomenon of violence by men against women, and the post-modern problem of disenfranchised emasculated men who blame society for their loss of masculinity. Thinking about these problems from the perspective of natural selection reveals the true origins of these behaviors. For example, women are the means by which humanity procreate. Without them, we would die off. It, in cold, unemotionally logical terms, makes sense to cultivate women as a resource and to fight over them for survival. Morally, it engendered an innate misogyny. It made men associate the amount of women and power over women with superiority and security, regardless of what the women themselves wanted as fellow human beings. Now, that system is gone, women are finally asserting themsel ves as able to do whatever they want to. Men in response overreact to this feminism by ostracizing them, demonizing them, and blaming them because it threatens their identity. It is a base reaction to a progressive solution. Men are still struggling with not being alpha males who need to protect women and kill for their food. The problem in our current patriarchy is that it was developed for survival. But in this current world, we don’t need it anymore! Survival has been rendered moot because of a variety of factors, from technology, morality, and increased civility. The struggle in men nowadays is between our innate aggression, developed over thousands of generations, and our desire to live by what is generally agreed upon to be a “good” life: freedom, equality, peace, love etc. The struggle between the animal in us and our, for lack of a better word, humanity is the core of specifically men’s psychological dilemma. Men need to realize and fight their violent urges. THAT is now the new male identity. Because it  doesnt  take a man to INDULGE in his fantasies, but it takes one to RESIST them.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What to Do Before and After a University Open Day

What to Do Before and After a University Open Day University open days can be fun, social, and full of great prospects for your future. They are a great venue to be social, network, and scope out what kind of future university would be a good fit for you. You will be able to see what sets the potential universities apart, and meet representatives who can answer any questions you have. There are things you should do and consider before and after attending a university open day to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Before attending the open day, you may want to brush up on your interviewing skills. Not that talking to representatives will be a make or break for you, but it never hurts to make a good impression. Social skills will come in handy your whole career and your whole life, so it's a great time to get started. Before you attend, you may also want to arm yourself with a list of questions you may want to ask. You may want to know anything from cost of tuition, what types of courses are offered, extracurricular activities, sports, etc. You might also want to know what it takes to get into the university. Ask as many questions as you can think of, it never hurts to have too much information. It will help you make the decision if it is the right place for you or not. You can also think about your experience in retrospect after you've attended. If it was your first open day, think about the things you could do better the next time. Think of more questions you'd like to ask or think of how you could have made a better impression. It's good to look back and learn from your experiences and gain valuable experience from them. No matter what, it's good to prepare yourself both before and after an open day. Not only will you make a lasting impression, but you will gain valuable skills for your future. It's good to get out and see what these fairs have to offer so you can better direct the sails of your future. You never know what you are going to learn, and it's good to be open to these new experiences.

10 Picture-perfect Dual-language Childrens Books

10 Picture-perfect Dual-language Childrens Books 10 Picture-perfect Dual-language Childrens Books Being childish doesnt have to be a bad thing.Embracing your inner child can even help improve your language skills.Thats because there are a lot of great learning resources out there intended for children.Not making use of the best resources just because theyre for kids would be immature!A lot of language students are  learning a language by reading books, and childrens books are one of the best options out there.Whether youre using  German childrens books,  French childrens books  or  Japanese childrens books, colorful, entertaining material in your target language thats intended for children is a fun resource for  easing your way into the written language.Dual-language childrens books are even betterâ€"after all, you have easy access to teaching-language text if you dont understand something in your target language.In this post, well look at 10 bilingual childrens books thatll make you feel like a kid again! Why Read Dual-language Childrens Books?One of the more obvious reasons w hy you might want to read dual-language childrens books is that you want to give your child the gift of another language. Dual-language books are great for children, whether youre learning with your child or just trying to help them learn. When the text is available fully in their native language, itll help clarify the meaning even if your child doesnt yet know much of the target language or is still learning how to read.Whether or not you have kids yourself, you might try reading dual-language books for kids if youre a beginning language student looking to jump into reading. Theyre an easy, unintimidating way to transition towards reading more difficult texts. They work even better if you supplement them with audio and other engaging dual-language options like FluentU. FluentU takes authentic videosâ€"like educational clips for children, songs, news and movie trailersâ€"and makes them into personalized language lessons for learners of all levels and ages.Whats more, if you apprecia te an extra dose of adorability in your language learning routine, this type of book is a resource you might want to consider using. If youre a sucker for anything adorable, childrens books will keep you coming back for more with cute drawings and interesting characters.Where to Find Dual-language Childrens BooksAmazonAmazon has everything, so it should come as no surprise that plenty of dual-language childrens books are among the offerings. To find them, all you have to do is search the name of your target language along with dual-language childrens book or bilingual childrens book. There are options for a wide variety of languages, so chances are good that theyll have the right book for you.Language LizardLanguage Lizard offers bilingual childrens books in over 50 languages, including uncommon options like Tigrinya. Each book comes in multiple languages, so if youre studying several languages at once, you might even want to purchase several versions of a book. You can easily brows e by language by simply selecting your target language on the left side of the screen.10 Picture-perfect Dual-language Childrens BooksStepping Stones: A Refugee Familys StoryStepping Stones: A Refugee Familys Story uses Arabic and English to tell the story of a family fleeing their home during war. The content is timely and socially relevant. Additionally, the artwork by Syrian artist Nizar Ali Badr uses stonework, making it particularly innovative and visually appealing. If you or your child are learning Arabic, this is an excellent way to practice Arabic language skills while tackling an important topic.Yeh-Hsien: A Chinese CinderellaYeh-Hsien or Ye Xian is a Chinese fairy tale thats very similar to the story of Cinderella. However, the Chinese version, which can be found in multiple language pairings from Language Lizard, including Chinese-English, likely predates the European tale. In this version of the tale, Yeh-Hsien is left living with a mean stepmother and stepsister. Yeh-H sien: A Chinese Cinderella has some aspects Cinderella fans will be familiar with, like animal friends and special shoes, paired with some uniquely Chinese features.10 Bed-Time Stories in French and English with Audio10 Bed-Time Stories in French and English with Audio includes short stories that children and adult readers will enjoy. Rather than featuring one language per page, this dual text switches between languages every few lines, making reading easier for beginning students.  Plus,  10 Bed-Time Stories in French and English with Audio comes with a free MP3 audio download in both English and French. This is a great way to connect words with their pronunciations or apply the dual-language experience to listening practice by listening in both languages.Hansel and GretelHansel and Gretel, published in German-English and other language pairs, tells the well-known German fairy tale about a young boy and girl who stumble upon a house built of sweets only to be taken captive by an ev il witch. The familiarity of the story combined with the vivid pictures will likely make the book easy for anyone to understand, regardless of language proficiency.Ottavia e i Gatti di Roma Octavia and the Cats of Rome: A bilingual picture book in Italian and EnglishOttavia e i Gatti di Roma (Octavia and the Cats of Rome) follows two cats on their adventures in Rome. It incorporates popular sites like the Colosseum, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain and the Mouth of Truthâ€"kind of like Roman Holiday for cats! The feline adventure combines both culture and language for a rich learning experience. Plus, theres a section to provide readers with additional information on sights, as well as a map to help readers visualize the layout of the city.Treasury of Japanese Folktales: Bilingual English and Japanese EditionTreasury of Japanese Folktales: Bilingual English and Japanese Edition features 12 stories from Japan, including legends and fairy tales. The fantastical tales tell of pri ncesses, cauldrons and even an underwater palace, making for a fun way to improve your Japanese.This Next New Year (Korean-English Bilingual Edition)This Next New Year is a Korean-English bilingual text that follows a boy whos excited about the Lunar New Year. Its a useful way to practice your Korean while examining references relevant to New Year traditions, particularly Lunar New Year traditions, and it also features multicultural situations and characters, making it relevant in a broader social and cultural context.Sports Day in the JungleSports Day in the Jungle can be purchased in Portuguese-English and several other language pairs. It follows a sloth who cant participate in the jungle games due to his slow speed. However, his unique skills may still prove useful. Theres plenty of animal vocabulary, which is good stuff for Portuguese students to learn.Rani and the Wicked Witch QueenRani and the Wicked Witch Queen is published in Russian-English and several other pairings involv ing Eastern and Central European languages. The story is based on a folktale of the Romani people, sometimes called gypsies, who historically traveled across Europe. In this story, Rani meets a prince, and the prince wants to marry Rani. However, a wicked witch stirs up trouble.Arroz con leche: canciones y ritmos populares de América Latina Popular Songs and Rhymes from Latin America (English and Spanish Edition)This book includes popular songs and rhyming texts from Latin America. Reading rhyming texts can be a helpful way to memorize additional vocabulary. Even if you cant come up with a word right away, once youve memorized a rhyming text, its easy to think through that text to remember key words. While the book doesnt come with audio, the songs are popular ones, so you can easily look them up and sing along. For instance, Aserrín aserrán  (Sawdust sawdust) is available on YouTube.Its time to be a kid again!Dive into these dual-language childrens books for a fun language lear ning experience.And One More ThingIf you like learning with the books above, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabu lary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Tax Deduction On Tutoring - A Guide For Those Who Want To Get A Deduction

Tax Deduction On Tutoring - A Guide For Those Who Want To Get A DeductionBefore anything else you should read the information in the following article. It will give you important facts about the tax deduction on tutoring. It will also provide you with some tools to use when working on getting a big deduction from your taxes. In this article I am going to tell you that tutoring is a tax deductible activity.It is important for you to know that tutoring is the perfect activity for you as it will not only build up your great credit scores but it will also help you avoid from paying much taxes. What I want to explain here is how you can avail of the deductions from your taxes.Firstly, you need to get an accurate calculation of how much you will be paying out to your tutors. The amount varies depending on how you calculate it.Secondly, you should get a calculation of the taxes that you will be paying to your tutors. The calculation is made based on a scenario where you are paying to your t utor as monthly and over a period of six months.Thirdly, it is essential for you to note down the different deductions that you can avail in your taxes. This would include things like:Fourthly, there are also some different tax deductions that you can avail in case you are going to receive all your services from one company. Now, if you want to get a huge deduction you should not receive your services from different companies.So, if you want to get a big deduction then the best thing you should do is to think of getting your tutoring from a company that charges a fixed amount. If you plan to go for a large company then you should make sure that they offer the services under one provider.

Online One on One Tutoring: Improve Your Childs Learning

Online One on One Tutoring: Improve Your Child's LearningOnline one on one tutoring has a great number of benefits and it can greatly help your child in every aspect. In addition to the benefits, you will be able to save a lot of money and also have more time to be with your child.If you know your child is having a problem in school, it is important that you give them support and guidance. Online one on one tutoring is a good way for this. This can help you in many ways, you will be able to improve your child's grades, learn certain skills and build self-confidence. You can also practice certain skills by yourself or with the help of the tutors in online one on one tutoring.One of the main reasons why people choose online one on one tutoring is because they are flexible about their schedules. These tutors are available whenever you need them. There are times when you need them only during the holidays, and there are other times when you might need to avail of their services for a who le week. If you have spare time and you need to enhance your child's learning skills, then online one on one tutoring is the best option for you.In online one on one tutoring, you will be able to improve your child's test results, and will also help them study efficiently. You can make them aware of different topics and concepts of the lessons. This will also help them to learn various subjects.You can also ask the tutors in online one on one tutoring about some extra tips. They can also give you some suggestions and ideas to improve your child's learning. After all, it is your job to help your child develop a positive attitude, and this is one step towards achieving your goal.With online one on one tutoring, you will be able to reach the tutor anytime, day or night. They can be reached anywhere at any time, and you will be able to get hold of your child. You will not have to go far just to meet your tutor, and that too at a very cost-effective price.When it comes to tutoring, we al l know that the most important thing is how you will be able to interact with your tutor, and this is what online one on one tutoring will do for you. You will be able to talk with your tutor face to face, and it will help you give your child a boost in learning. They can also make you aware of different subjects and get a complete picture of your child's learning progress.

What Are Higher-Order Thinking Skills

What Are Higher-Order Thinking Skills How Are Higher-Order Thinking Skills Defined? ChaptersWhat is the Difference Between Higher Order Thinking and Critical Thinking?More Effective Problem-Solving Through Higher Order ThinkingThe Limitations of Core Standards on Higher Order Thinking SkillsHow Tutors Can Encourage Higher Order Thinking SkillsHelping Students Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills: How Much is too Much?It was long held as true that humans are the only animals capable of thought.Only recently has that idea been debunked; studies into non-human animal behaviour indicate that animals evince episodic memory and the have the capacity to navigate terrain using landmarks.Some animals have even displayed non-verbal mathematical ability!Nevertheless, there is a wide gulf between the cognitive ability of humans and other mammals.Whereas your beloved pet may have a type of focused intelligence â€" say, figuring out a way to get to a treat, a toy or your attention, they cannot apply that knowledge to solve another ‘problem’.By contrast, human thought processe s permit adapting previous experiences to a new set of variables to think of a ‘best solution’, thus accruing knowledge.How do we do that? Were we taught to think or does it come naturally? Is all thought the same? Are there different degrees of thought â€" from deep to mindless?And what in the world are higher-order thinking skills?Are they the inevitable product of life experience? Are they something everyone should have? How do we train our students to think like that?Superprof now unveils all you need to know about higher-order thinking: why it is vital and how you too can help students gain those skills.You could introduce your students to fflowcharts, an effective way to organise information Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabaythe psychomotor domain: developing and using motor skills for learning.A good example of that last domain on an intellectual level would be stacking blocks or sorting rings by size.By contrast, effective learning  can easily be described as knowing you can go to mum and dad for a cuddle if you suddenly feel insecure, tired or overwhelmed. Yes, even that type of knowledge weighs on other learning experiences.These two domains are the primary focus of our public education system’s first two years of schooling.In those classes, Early Years Foundation and Reception, students learn mostly through play, although some academic learning is involved.Doesn’t that beg the question, then, why curricula change completely once students enter Key Stage 1?At that point, the playing is over. Students are expected to sit, to listen to their teacher, to work and to learn. They are, in effect, treated as empty vessels which can only be filled by a school teacher.For teachers, this idea is particularly vexing. Their professional development has taught them that pouring facts into their students’ heads does not equal student achievement.Where and how are students supposed to cultivate critical thinking skills, if not in school and guided by know ledgeable persons?Discover more about higher-order thinking and developing critical thinking abilities.Brainstorming and asking 'why' are effective higher-order thinking tools! Image by Arek Socha from PixabayMore Effective Problem-Solving Through Higher Order ThinkingHigher-order thinking consists of critical thinking and problem-solving.In a sense, it sounds like this segment could be a ‘chicken and egg’ scenario.  After all, to be a higher-order thinker, you must apply critical thinking and the skills required to solve problems in a given situation.However, you don’t always have to think critically to solve a problem and problems need not be inherent for critical thinking to occur.Rendering an opinion on a film would be an example of such.  Nevertheless, thinking critically in the course of problem-solving allows one to consider the widest range of variables and often yields the best possible outcome to any situation.To crystallise that concept, let’s look at exactly what problem-solving skills are:Communication involves everything from body language to active listening, as well as the words being spoken and the tone they are spoken inResearch: this can be done by calling on one’s own experiences pertaining to a similar situation and soliciting input from stakeholders â€" in our case, other studentsAnalysis could imply brainstorming within a group; they might appeal to data and statistics or compare and contrast similar situationsTeam building suggests a consensus built on similar values and ideasCreativity: formulating a set of solutions to the given problem rather than a single answer.All of these facets of problem-solving draw on the three domains listed in Blooms Taxonomy as essential for effective learning: the cognitive, affective and psychomotor realms through which we absorb specific types of knowledge.Learn more about problem-solving skills and the difficulty this concept poses in today’s classrooms...Regardless of what they are called in one country or the other, every academic program has core subjects: math, literacy skills â€" reading, writing, vocabulary and spelling, and sciences.How well those subjects are taught is measured by student performance on summative assessments; the exams taken at the end of every Key Stage.Already we can determine a twofold problem:1. Such exams really only prove students’ adeptness for memorizing2. The effort of impressing all of the information necessary to earn high marks on such exams leaves little time to work with new information in class.In stating this, we’re not criticising teachers or their massive efforts to make a difference in their kids’ lives.We’re just pointing out that every educator comes equipped with classroom strategies and is quite adept at lesson planning; why not just let them ensure that the knowledge they impart is understood through classroom activities such as group work and active learning?Say, by allowing time to ask a few higher level think ing questions or assigning project-based learning activities?Exams at the end of every learning unit, term, school year and Key Stage really don’t prove very much.Far better would be leaving room in the curriculum for the teacher to conduct a formative assessment on each student â€" a practice that would genuinely indicate levels of comprehension.Join the discussion: is ‘common core’ getting in the way of critical thinking and problem-solving?All three of these suggestions require higher-order thinking skills! Image by bluebudgie from PixabayHow Tutors Can Encourage Higher Order Thinking SkillsThere is no doubt that teachers are overtaxed: under pressure to ‘make’ students perform well on exams, tasked to complete never-ending reports, marking papers...Actual teaching seems to be the last on a long list of teachers’ duties.An alarming number of teachers simply leave the profession.Others turn to private tutoring so that they can have a bit of satisfaction in exercising t heir pedagogy â€" their vision of how teaching should actually be.In such a setting, in your students’ homes or in your own, you have the peace and the time to probe your charges’ understanding of their subject matter.How would you do that?By asking the types of questions designed to make them think. By digging deeper â€" why? why? - to discover actual viewpoints... not just the answers your students think you want to hear.By employing teaching strategies designed around creative thinking: you devise an activity in which your tutee must draw on his/her personal experience to complete.For instance, if you know that a particular student has suffered at the hands of bullies, you might provide this essay prompt: How students can protect themselves against bullying in school.Discover other ways that tutors can help students develop thinking skills outside the classroom...Helping Students Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills: How Much is too Much?Let’s say you did, in fact, give you r student that ‘Bully’ topic.You believed that thinking critically about bullies and how one could defend oneself from them would be empowering â€" possibly even a liberating exercise for that poor student who has been terribly picked on.You notice the body language first. Shoulders slumped, eyes downcast and, if the hair is of sufficient length, most likely it is shielding the face. Perhaps you hear a sudden, nervous thrumming: a leg, twitching out a staccato beat.You don’t need to wait for the tears to know that you’ve far overshot the ‘safe’ line.Admittedly, this is a dramatic example of how much ‘pushing’ is too much.As well-intentioned as any higher-thinking exercise may be, we have to recognise when a student is ready for that level of engagement  -  be it more complex maths problems or an issue that requires insight and draws on personal experience.When such opportunities do arise, make the most of them!Ask those open-ended questions! Engage in a debate! You m ay even invite your students’ caregivers to offer their opinions; the more information is available, the better your pupils will develop the ability to reason.Does this topic resonate? You will enjoy our full article knowing the limits higher-order thinking.

Are Your Work Expectations Realistic - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Are Your Work Expectations Realistic - Introvert Whisperer Are Your Work Expectations Realistic? Expectations. We all have them. Our expectations motivate us and drive us to do things both good and bad. We might expect a great time at a party or expect to get bored at grandmas. We have expectations of all sorts at work. We have expectations of our peers, the boss, the company, and even the customers. Our expectations serve us like a yard-stick where we kind of measure people both ahead of time and after an event. We think we know what to expect of others and ourselves, so we check to see if all of that expectation is missed or met. What happens when our expectations are continuously missed? We turn grouchy, to start with. If our expectations are continually abused, it can become the catalyst of unrest and great unhappiness. Depending on your position in the company, you can bear down on the source of your missed expectations with unrelenting focus. We hate to be disappointed. The question is â€" Are your expectations realistic or are you a control freak? It’s good to be good, but it’s annoying to work with someone who wants to be perfect. Besides, it’s just not possible, so you could be unrealistic and also be a real pain in the backside. Here are some questions to ask yourself, as well as thoughts to help gauge your expectations: Are you clear about your expectations? Sometimes we have them, but we can’t exactly pinpoint what they are. If you can get clear first, you can examine them more closely. Did you manufacture your expectations without validation? Especially with others, we sometimes cook up expectations and fail to communicate to get an agreement. Is someone being inconsistent? One day they do things a certain way and the next day, they do them differently. You’re now confused and don’t know WHAT to expect. Time to ask. How do your standards compare to others? There is a fine line between wanting to be the best and being obsessive. Make sure you know where the bar is set for your peers to see if it is within a reasonable range of your own. Do you need to communicate your expectations? We often go about doing our work without really communicating what we need, when we need it and what details go with it. If you haven’t shared those details, you need to have a discussion. Are you getting feedback? You might need to calibrate what your expectations are with someone who can give you some objective feedback and understanding of your environment. Depending on your situation, you could do that with your boss; but if that isn’t an option, consider a respected mentor or peer. Don’t’ seek out your work BFF, as they won’t be objective or candid. Are they impacting your work or career? One sure way to know if your expectations are reasonable is if your work is being negatively impacted by someone else. It’s not unreasonable to expect others to meet quality, quantity, and deadlines as it relates to the work you do. If it turns out that you are being unrealistic about your expectations of others, you probably need to lighten up. If you don’t, you risk making yourself continuously unhappy and disappointed with those around you. It’s hard to feel any kind of kinship with the people you work with when you’re disappointed with their behavior. If your expectations are reasonable  but aren’t being met, then you have some work to do with others. It will be worth it in the long run if you do. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer